About Romy Keegan

Romy Keegan is a Steward of the Seven Directions, and a joyful dancer and Magick Maker, from the “Land of Enchantment”, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Owner of Maple Street Dance Space (2004), creator of Ballet de la Terre (2013), and founder of Dancing Our Magick, (2022) she is also an entrepreneur, teacher, choreographer, facilitator, sacred space holder, healer, and mystic, in loving service to the Magick that is guiding her.

As a third generation dancer, and lifelong student of the occult, her whole life has been filled with both dance and meaningful, magickal experiences – the two are deeply connected, but in 2018 and 2019 she had a series of particularly revelatory experiences which resulted one, in a miraculous personal healing from liver failure, and two, the inspired formation and development of Dancing Our Magick: Dancing the Directions to Awaken a Magickal Life. This concept began as a ceremonial workshop series incorporating dance and magick, but has evolved into an online and in person dance and magick community, which includes the original dance ceremony workshops, along with expanded offerings, angel healing sessions, and a dynamic and original adult dance program for everyday dancers – and, a brand new dance studio, The Netherwoods Sacred Dance Space, being built in 2024, on her land. Every part of her work is focused on nourishing and replenishing the Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit of the Divine Child, and the Soul of the World.

In 2023 she was fortunate to become a graduate of Corin Grillo’s Angel Alchemy Academy, and while maintaining her dance and magick programs, she continues her magickal studies and trainings. She is currently enrolled in the VulCon Way, working toward her certification as an NOSC and psychedelics integration facilitator.

To learn more about weekly community dance classes, in person & online, click here.

For more information about Dancing the Directions Ceremonial Dance Workshops, click here.

To schedule your Spirit Medicine Angel Alchemy Session click here.

To hear more about her Miraculous Healing Event listen to How I Healed podcast by Mary Lou Singleton and Jocelyn Macdonald.

For announcements about ALL areas of Romy’s playground, please subscribe to the Dancing Our Magick email list


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