In Honor of Asherah and Her Seven Directions

known to the Ancients of Ancients
as the Queen of Heaven and the Tree of Life,
Her temples are the trees themselves,
singular trees on hill tops, or groves of trees,
gathered, like The People, who sing, dance,
and honor the Seasons of Life and Circles of Time,

paying homage to Lineage,
celebrating The Mystery,
embodying Love, Life and Light.

With Her living roots in the fertile soil of the Good Earth,
Her crown the Infinite Starry Sky,
and Her branching arms extending in each Direction,

She shows us the Hidden Power, IN, and OF, Ourselves:
ever connecting us to the Grace from Above,
the Strength from Below,
the Goodness that surrounds us,
and the Sacred Center,

We are dancing the Tree of Life, Above and Below, made of the Four Cardinal Directions,
each one a Keeper,
a Guardian, of certain aspects and qualities of human thought, feeling, and expression,
with corresponding seasons, times of day, energies, gifts, and powers.
For each Direction there is a key,
an alchemical element which unlocks the Wisdom contained within:
Air for East
Fire for South,
Water for West, and Earth for North.
There is a Fifth, “Secret Element”: Ether,
The Center,
from which Rhythm and Magick originate,
animating our lives,
and within which,
All Things Are Connected

Ashera, Tree of Life