Seasonal Ceremonial Workshops

  • The journey to find the ever evolving dancer within me is truly magick and beyond words as I am learning to connect with divine all around me. Dancing the Directions to Awaken a Magickal Life guided by my beloved teacher Romy has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. Thank you Romy Keegan for your unconditional love, support and patience.

    Georgia, Realtor

  • I have found the teaching to be very much in alignment with my own spiritual beliefs, that everything and everyone is an expression of Divine energy, is connected in ways we may not always understand, but are working for our Good none-the-less. And the opportunity to dance these concepts and beliefs has brought them alive in ways that are truly magical. The choreography Romy has created is beautiful and continues to reveal itself more fully every time we do it together.

    Sheila, Poet & Spiritual Counselor

  • I will continue to do this. All four seasons, all four directions, being present to all four elements, each one so specific, flowing into the other. This is now how I choose to embrace my life, my world.

    Tere, Retailer

  • Romy Keegan has successfully gathered “all that we are” from a multitude of areas, put it into words, from which it is then alchemized into form – into transformation – through movement, dance. My personal experience, from day one has been an intense deepening and quickening of the path I am already on, further igniting the embodiment of my own Magickal Truth. She has been, and is, the Life-giving doula, guiding my own birth!

    Danielle, Healer

About Dancing the Directions, Seasonal Ceremonial Workshops

For dancers new to magick and magick makers new to dance, this engaging 7-week workshop offers both accessible, meaningful choreography, and the introduction and interweaving of the magickal and spiritual principles, concepts and practices associated with each of the Seven Directions and the overarching seasonal influences.

Dancing Our Magick is a Dance Ceremony that fosters meaningful relationship and tangible experience of and with the Wild, Natural, Divine.

The Directions have long been honored as revered aspects of the Divine Spirit in Earth based religions and indigenous spiritual practices all over the world, in every culture, and throughout time. These are the universal foundations of Magick, the spiritual practice of nourishing, celebrating, honoring, and relating with Spirit, the Divine, all around us. By Dancing Our Magick we effect positive and uplifting change not only in our own lives, but also in the world(s) around us, seen and unseen.

Each week we’ll explore the magickal and spiritual correlations and associations of each of the directions, and embody them through dance – through both free improv and intentional, choreographed movement, created for dancers and magick makers of all levels. Together we’ll re-awaken the imagination, curiosity, joy and playfulness of the Inner Child, and remember a deeper sense of Purpose and Meaning, ultimately integrating and healing any rifts between the Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit.

The choreography and the magickal perspectives it expresses and invokes, build and culminate in a Magickal Dance Ceremony which is offered on the last day to Mother Earth and to Spirit, in an outdoor location, to further foster meaningful relationship and tangible experience of and with the Wild, Natural, Divine.

Once learned, this dance ceremony can be danced individually as a meaningful part of any spiritual practice, or collectively, as an ongoing offering and prayer. In addition to dancing the ceremony on the culminating day of the workshop series, ongoing opportunities to Dance Our Magick together, happen at each New and Full Moon, with exact days and times announced as they come up.

Dancing Our Magick workshops are offered seasonally, aligning each session with the correlating cardinal direction, and the magickal associations that go with each.

While the foundational ideas and choreographies are shared equally in every session, each one is a little different in its overarching focus, based on the season, and the special energies, teachings, gifts and powers associated with that particular seasonal direction. In the springtime we work with the energies and correlations of East; in summer the gifts and powers of South; Autumn brings us to the West, and Winter to the North. Each one is a powerful component in a cyclical Whole, and it is the conscious embodiment of this Whole, that brings about a unique and powerful Initiation. An Initiation into the Stewardship of the Four Directions.

While each session stands alone as a complete cycle, an even deeper understanding of the Magick and its experiential benefits can be had, by taking the workshop in each of the seasons, completing a Full Cycle Initiation.

Begin anywhere in the cycle.

Take the workshops consecutively for the most integrative experience, or as your schedule allows.

Each session begins at the cross quarter on the waxing side, that is the growing side, of the next Solstice or Equinox. Workshops take shape and build along with the growing energies of the coming seasonal cycle, in relationship and in partnership, with the celestial movements of Earth and Sky, Above and Below.

Become a Steward of the Seven Directions

to nourish the Soul of the World and to awaken the Magick that heals, guides, supports and teaches us, and thereby invoke, embody and express the foundational Magickal Princple: As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without. In this Way, we honor and celebrate the Divine, effecting positive and uplifting change not only in our own lives, but also in the world(s) around us, seen and unseen.

New Earth Urban Mystery School: A Unique Spin on Natural Magick and Universal Spiritual Practice.

This workshop ceremony was inspired, and is divinely guided by, Mother Earth and the Magick of the Divine Feminine, which rooted and rose up in me as the World Tree of Life, and reaches all the way to the Stars. It is a Magick all its own, and continues to evolve, change and grow as my own understanding and experience evolves. It is rooted in Animism, illuminated by angels and star sisters and brothers, and influenced by general teachings that come anywhere from ceremonial magick, Wicca and magical folk traditions, to Eastern and Western mysticism, Gnosticism and occultism, including astrology, Tarot and Kabbalah. It is drawn from decades of popular channeled teachings and shaped by personal experience and revelation, as well as invaluable insights and integrations received by working with teacher, angel healer, and spiritual activator, Corin Grillo.

  • I had so much fun learning a dance routine which I had never done before, I am sure I would have been better if I could have practiced more, hahaha, but it is ok - what is important is that it brought joy and I had fun and felt free with it. Thank you for holding such a beautiful space of love and joy and amazing teachings! I will be dancing with you again soon!

    Lynn, from CO